A Sociolinguistic Study of Od - The Language of Pakhiwass Settled in Rawalpidi Region


  • Shamail Ur Rehman Lecturer Visiting at Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi
  • Faheemuddin Shaikh PhD Scholar at University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
  • Rafaqat Hussain Shah PhD Scholar at Minhaj University, Lahore.
  • Fariha Saghir Lecturer English at PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi




The current study seeks to explore cultural and linguistic practices of Od, one of the nomadic groups scattered in different geographical boundaries across Pakistan. Known as Pakhiwass or Changgarr, they live in periphery and stay away from the mainstream Punjabi communities in sub-human conditions due to their low socio-economic status. There are many significant cultural and linguistic dimensions associated with these groups which have not been academically mapped and explored so far. The present study is a sociolinguistic survey to understand their language use and preferences while dealing within as well as outside their ethnic groups. Using ethnographic research method, the data of the study has been collected from Od tribe, residing in the vicinity of Pirwadhi, Rawalpindi. Linguistically, Od language has its own vocabulary and shows syntactical and morphological differences from local languages.  Sociolinguistic analysis shows that Od is as good a language as any other language. However, language has limited vocabulary and no use outside the community.

Key Words: Od, Sociolinguistics, Language documentation, Pakhiwass, Marginalization




How to Cite

Shamail Ur Rehman, Faheemuddin Shaikh, Rafaqat Hussain Shah, & Fariha Saghir. (2025). A Sociolinguistic Study of Od - The Language of Pakhiwass Settled in Rawalpidi Region. Policy Journal of Social Science Review, 3(1), 37–49. https://doi.org/10.63075/pjssr.v3i1.92