A Pragmatic Analysis of the Functions and Structure of Speech Acts of the Major Characters of Christopher Marlowe’s Drama, ‘Dr Faustus’


  • Sajid Ur Rehman Graduate from the Department of English, Kohat University of Science & Technology, Kohat
  • Dr. Syed Shujaat Ali Assistant Professor, Department of English, Kohat University of Science & Technology, Kohat
  • Dr. Imran Ali Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics and Literature, The University of Haripur, KP


This research explored the speech acts employed by the two central characters, Faustus and Mephistopheles, in Christopher Marlowe's Dr. Faustus, analyzing their structure, functions, and frequency. Using textual analysis, the research investigated how these characters employed speech acts to communicate their intentions, beliefs, desires, and commitments. Drawing from the ideas of John Austin (1962) and John Searle who postulated that through speech actions were being done and not just information was passing through the characters, this paper analyzed ways in which speech acts impacted on the characters. The results got disclosed that the most frequently used SA was directive with the occurrence of 131 times, and the SA used in least frequency was the expressive SA with only 24 times along with assertive SA, commissive SA, declarative SA as well as expressive SA. These speech acts were manifested in the form of declarative, interrogative and imperative statements, and its purposes were request, command, statement, explanation, and so on. Directive Acts were explained and exemplified in the context of Dr Faustus, demonstrating how language was used to alter the mind set of the speaker and listener. It, therefore, brings out the wider conceptualisation of Product Speech Acts in literature where the focus is on the function of Words in changing interpersonal relations and character climax change. In doing so, this research operates to extend existing knowledge of linguistic function within the drama and the ramifications that they carry to the development of the narrative and the perceiving audience.

Keywords: Speech acts; Speech Act Theory, Pragmatics, Dr. Faustus; Textual analysis; Implications.




How to Cite

Sajid Ur Rehman, Dr. Syed Shujaat Ali, & Dr. Imran Ali. (2025). A Pragmatic Analysis of the Functions and Structure of Speech Acts of the Major Characters of Christopher Marlowe’s Drama, ‘Dr Faustus’. Policy Journal of Social Science Review, 2(4), 888–911. Retrieved from https://journalofsocialsciencereview.com/index.php/PJSSR/article/view/87