Copyright and Publishing Rights


The Policy Journal of Social Science Review (PJSSR) is committed to promoting open access to research and knowledge within the field of social sciences. This policy outlines the rights and responsibilities of authors and PJSSR regarding copyright and publishing of submitted manuscripts.


  • Authors retain copyright of their work: Authors retain the copyright of their published articles under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). This license allows for non-commercial reuse of the article with proper attribution.
  • First publication rights: Authors grant PJSSR the exclusive right to publish their work for the first time. This includes online and print publication, as well as any other forms of dissemination determined by PJSSR.
  • Moral rights: Authors retain the right to be identified as the authors of their work and to object to any distortion or misrepresentation of their work.

Publishing Rights:

  • Non-exclusive license: Authors grant PJSSR a non-exclusive license to publish, reproduce, distribute, and translate their work. This license allows PJSSR to share the article with other platforms and repositories to promote its wider dissemination.
  • Author self-archiving: Authors are encouraged to self-archive their published articles in institutional repositories or on personal websites. However, proper attribution to PJSSR and the original publication date must be included.
  • Commercial use: Authors are free to negotiate commercial use of their work, such as inclusion in textbooks or other copyrighted publications. However, prior permission from PJSSR is required if the commercial use involves republication of the article in its entirety.


  • Authors: Authors are responsible for ensuring the originality of their work and obtaining any necessary permissions for the use of copyrighted material in their articles.
  • PJSSR: PJSSR is responsible for protecting the copyright and rights of authors, ensuring the integrity of published articles, and promoting the open access dissemination of research.