Licensing Policy

Policy Journal of Social Science Review (PJSSR) is committed to promoting the open dissemination and accessibility of research within the social sciences. Therefore, we adopt a hybrid licensing approach that combines author rights with open access principles.

1. Copyright and First Publication Rights:

  • Authors retain copyright of their published work.
  • Authors grant PJSSR the first right of publication for their submitted manuscript.
  • PJSSR will not claim copyright of the published article.

2. Open Access Policy:

  • All articles published in PJSSR are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).
  • This license allows anyone to:
    • Share and adapt the article freely.
    • Reproduce and distribute copies of the article.
    • Create derivative works based on the article.
  • The only condition under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license is that users must properly cite the original authors and article, and the use must be non-commercial.

3. Author Self-Archiving:

  • Authors are encouraged to self-archive their published articles in institutional repositories or personal websites.
  • Self-archiving can occur immediately upon publication or after a designated embargo period.
  • PJSSR provides a link to the published article on its website, further promoting author visibility and accessibility.

4. Third-Party Reuse:

  • Users are encouraged to reuse the published articles for non-commercial purposes, with proper attribution.
  • PJSSR supports the use of its articles in educational and research settings.
  • For commercial reuse, authors should contact PJSSR to discuss licensing options.

5. Withdrawal and Removal of Articles:

  • In exceptional circumstances, authors may request withdrawal of their published article from PJSSR.
  • Withdrawn articles will be removed from the website and no longer accessible to the public.
  • Reasons for withdrawal should be clearly stated and approved by the editorial board.