Waiver Eligibility

1. Introduction

The "Policy Journal of Social Science Review" (PJSSR) welcomes high-quality submissions from scholars and researchers across the field of social science. We understand that unforeseen circumstances may sometimes prevent authors from meeting the journal's standard publication fees. Therefore, we offer a limited number of waivers for eligible authors.

This Waiver-Eligibility Policy outlines the criteria and process for applying for a waiver from PJSSR publication fees.

2. Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a waiver, authors must meet the following criteria:

  • Financial hardship: Applicants must demonstrate genuine financial hardship that makes it difficult for them to pay the publication fees. This could include factors such as low income, lack of institutional funding, or unexpected financial burdens.
  • Merit of the manuscript: The submitted manuscript must be of high academic quality and demonstrate a significant contribution to the field of social science. This will be assessed through the journal's peer-review process.
  • Affiliation: Priority will be given to authors from developing countries or those affiliated with institutions with limited research funding.

3. Ineligibility Criteria

The following situations will render an author ineligible for a waiver:

  • Previously published work: The submitted manuscript must not have been previously published elsewhere.
  • Commercial research: The research presented in the manuscript must not be primarily for commercial purposes.
  • Simultaneous submissions: The manuscript must not be submitted to any other journal while under consideration for a waiver at PJSSR.

4. Application Process

Authors who wish to apply for a waiver must submit the following documents along with their manuscript:

  • A completed waiver application form: This form will be available on the PJSSR website and will require details about the author's financial situation, justification for the waiver, and confirmation of eligibility criteria.
  • Supporting documentation: This may include tax returns, salary slips, or other documents that demonstrate financial hardship.

5. Selection Process

Waiver applications will be reviewed by the PJSSR editorial team based on the following criteria:

  • Strength of the application: The clarity and persuasiveness of the justification for the waiver will be considered.
  • Financial hardship: The extent of the author's financial need will be assessed.
  • Merit of the manuscript: The academic quality and potential contribution of the research will be evaluated through the peer-review process.